3. Parameter GenerationΒΆ
All DYNAMIS-POP parameters are generated by running this set of R scripts. Most parameters are calculated or estimated based on micro-data files. The first script is country/version specific and sets up all R objects based on specific country data files. Files for an imaginary country ABC can be downloaded from this site. All other scripts are generic and work for all country contexts. The scripts produce parameter files in Modgen .dat format. Each of these files contains the set of parameters belonging to a specific module.
- 3.1. Script 1: Country/Version-Specific Setup File
- 3.2. Script 2: Starting Population
- 3.3. Script 3: Base Mortality
- 3.4. Script 4: Base Fertility
- 3.5. Script 5: Internal Migration
- 3.6. Script 6: Emigration
- 3.7. Script 7: Immigration
- 3.8. Script 8: Primary Education Fate
- 3.9. Script 9: Primary Education Refined Fate
- 3.10. Script 10: Ethnicity
- 3.11. Script 11: First Marriage
- 3.12. Script 12: First Births
- 3.13. Script 13: Higher Order Births
- 3.14. Script 14: Child Mortality
- 3.15. Script 15: Primary Education Tracking
- 3.16. Script 16: School Planning
- 3.17. Script 17: Lower Secondary
- 3.18. Script 18: Child Vaccination
- 3.19. Script 19: Analysis Data Output
- 3.20. Script 20: Preschool Attendance
- 3.21. Script 21: Stunting
- 3.22. Script 22: Human Capital Index