3.21. Script 21: Stunting

Stunting is modeled as probability to be stunted for children age 0-4 by sex, mothers education, and region

3.21.1. File output

The code below generates 1 model parameter stored in a Modgen .dat file

  • Stunting rate by sex, mothers aducation and region

3.21.2. Code Stunting

#  DYNAMIS-POP Parameter Generation File 22 - Stunting
#  This file is generic and works for all country contexts.
#  Input file: globals_for_analysis.RData (To generate such a file run the setup script)
#  Last Update: Martin Spielauer 2019-11-26

# Clear work space, load required packages and the input object file




dat <- g_children_dat
dat <- dat[,c("M_WEIGHT", "M_INTERV", "M_REGION", "M_BIRTH", "M_MALE", "M_EDUCMO", "M_STUNTED")]  
dat <- dat[as.integer((dat$M_INTERV - dat$M_BIRTH)/12) < 5,]
dat <- dat[dat$M_STUNTED == 0 | dat$M_STUNTED == 1,]

# Set Parameter Output File
parafile <- file(g_para_stunting, "w")

# Calculate the parameter ProportionStunting[SEX][REGION_NAT][EDUC_ONE_LEVEL]            

popall   <- xtabs(dat$M_WEIGHT ~ dat$M_MALE + dat$M_REGION + dat$M_EDUCMO)

stunt    <- dat[dat$M_STUNTED==TRUE,]
stunt    <- stunt[,c("M_WEIGHT", "M_MALE","M_REGION" ,"M_EDUCMO")]

popstunt <- xtabs(stunt$M_WEIGHT ~ stunt$M_MALE + stunt$M_REGION + stunt$M_EDUCMO)

propstunt <- as.data.frame(popstunt/popall)
propstunt <- propstunt[order(propstunt$stunt.M_MALE, propstunt$stunt.M_REGION, propstunt$stunt.M_EDUCMO),]

# Write the parameter 

cat("parameters { \n\n", file=parafile)
cat("\n\n//EN Stunting Rates district level \ndouble ProportionStunting[SEX][REGION_NAT][EDUC_ONE_LEVEL] = {\n", file=parafile, append=TRUE)
cat(format(round(propstunt$Freq,5),scientific=FALSE), file=parafile, sep=", ", append=TRUE)
cat("\n  }; \n", file=parafile, append=TRUE)
cat("\n};\n", file=parafile, append=TRUE)