5.18. Step 18: Table Output¶
5.18.1. Model Description¶
At this step we add various modules for table output by topic. We also add a tracking module which specifies which states to include in a database of individual life-courses which can by visualized by the BioBrowser tool.
The set of tables can easily be extended. Users can also disable individual tables within the graphical User-Interface in order to speed up simulation runs.
The table modules are self-contained. The only exception are some time-dependent output dimensions which can vary by country context. They are declared in the _CountryContext.mpp module.
5.18.2. The TablesPopulation.mpp Module¶
This module contains core demographic projection tables of the model.
// Types and States used in tables only
actor Person
//EN Year
SIM_YEAR_RANGE sim_year = COERCE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE, calendar_year);
//EN Education Level
EDUC_ONE_LEVEL tab_primary_level = (educ_one_grade_passed == 0) ? EOL_LOW :
(educ_one_grade_passed == MAX(EDUC_ONE_GRADE0)) ? EOL_HIGH : EOL_MEDIUM;
// Tables
table_group TG01_PopulationTables //EN Population
table Person TabTotalPopulationSexDistrict //EN Total population by sex and district
[in_projected_time && is_resident]
sex + *
duration() //EN Average Population
* district_nat +
* sim_year
table Person TabTotalPopulationSexRegion //EN Total population by sex and region
[in_projected_time && is_resident]
sex + *
duration() //EN Average Population
* region_nat +
* sim_year
table Person TabPopulationAgeSexDistrict //EN Age Pyramids by District
[in_sel_years && is_resident]
sel_years * //EN Calendar Year
sex + * //EN Sex
duration() //EN Average Population
* split(integer_age, AGE5_PART) //EN Age group
* district_nat + //EN District
table Person TabCensusPopulations //EN Census by age group, education, sex and district
[trigger_entrances(in_census_year, TRUE) && is_resident]
census_year *
sex + *
district_nat + *
unit //EN Persons
* split(integer_age, AGE5_PART) + //EN Age group
* tab_primary_level + //EN Primary School Level
table Person TabCensusPopulationsEthnic //EN Census by age group, sex and ethnicity
[trigger_entrances(in_census_year, TRUE) && is_resident]
census_year *
sex + *
unit //EN Persons
* split(integer_age, AGE5_PART) + //EN Age group
* ethnicity + //EN Primary Level
5.18.3. The TablesFertility.mpp Module¶
This module contains a set of tables related to births and fertility.
// Types and States used in tables only
partition AGE_15_17_19{ 15,17,19 }; //EN Age groups
actor Person
FERTILE_AGE_RANGE tab_fert_age = COERCE(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, integer_age); //EN Age
//EN Mother never entered school
logical tab_moth_noeduc = (educ_mother == EOL_LOW) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Tables
table_group TG03_FertilityTables //EN Fertility
table Person TabFertilityRatesBirths //EN Fertility rates and births by age
[in_projected_time && WITHIN(FERTILE_AGE_RANGE, integer_age) && sex == FEMALE
&& is_resident]
parity / duration(), //EN Fertility rates decimals=4
parity //EN Births
* tab_fert_age
* sim_year
table Person RTAB_NepBirthsByEducMother //EN Births by mothers ducation
[in_projected_time && person_type == PT_CHILD && is_resident]
district_nat + *
entrances(is_alive, TRUE) //EN Births
* sim_year
* educ_mother +
table Person TabAverageAgeAtBirth //EN Average age at birth by education
[in_projected_time && sex == FEMALE && is_resident]
value_at_transitions(parity,0,1,age) / transitions(parity,0,1), //EN Average age at first birth decimals=2
value_at_changes(parity,age) / changes(parity) //EN Average age at birth decimals=2
* sim_year //EN Calendar Year
* tab_primary_level +
table Person RTAB_NepBirthsByAgeMother //EN Births by district and age of mother
[in_projected_time && is_resident && sex==FEMALE]
district_nat + *
parity //EN Births
* sim_year //EN Calendar Year
* split(integer_age,AGE_15_17_19) + //EN Age group
table Person TabBirthsByMothersNeverSchool //EN Proportion of births by mothers who never entered school
[in_projected_time && person_type == PT_CHILD && is_resident]
value_at_entrances(is_alive, TRUE, tab_moth_noeduc) / entrances(is_alive, TRUE) //EN Births by mothers never in school decimals=4
* sim_year
* district_nat +
5.18.4. The TablesMortality.mpp Module¶
This module contains a set of output tables related to mortality.
// Types and States used in tables only
//EN Age Group
partition TAB_AGEC5{ 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 };
range TAB_CMORT_RANGE{ 0,4 }; //EN Age
actor Person
TAB_CMORT_RANGE tab_cmortage = COERCE(TAB_CMORT_RANGE, integer_age); //EN Age
// Tables
table_group TG02_Mortality //EN Mortality
table Person TabNumberDeaths //EN Deaths
[in_projected_time && is_resident]
sex + *
transitions(is_alive, TRUE, FALSE) //EN Deaths
* sim_year
* district_nat +
table Person TabDeathsByAge //EN Mortality by age
[in_projected_time && is_resident]
sex+ *
transitions(is_alive, TRUE, FALSE), //EN Deaths
transitions(is_alive, TRUE, FALSE) / duration() //EN Mortality Rate decimals=4
* split(integer_age, TAB_AGEC5) //EN Age group
* sim_year //EN Calendar Year
table Person TabChildDeathsByAge //EN Child Mortality
[in_projected_time && is_resident && WITHIN(TAB_CMORT_RANGE,integer_age)]
district_nat + *
transitions(is_alive, TRUE, FALSE), //EN Deaths
transitions(is_alive, TRUE, FALSE) / duration() //EN Mortality Rate decimals=4
* tab_cmortage //EN Age
* sim_year //EN Calendar Year
table Person TabSurvivalToAge5 //EN Child survival to 5th birthday by district of birth
[in_projected_time && district_birth != DISTI_ABROAD && year_of_birth >= MIN(SIM_YEAR_RANGE)]
transitions(integer_age, 4, 5) / unit //EN Survival decimals=4
* tab_sim_yob //EN Year of birth
* aggregate(district_birth,DISTRICT_NAT) + //EN District of birth
5.18.5. The TablesMigration.mpp Module¶
This module contains a set of output tables related to migration.
// Table Groups
table_group TG04_MigrationTables //EN Migration
table_group TG04a_ImmigrationTables //EN Immigration
table_group TG04b_EmigrationTables //EN Emigration
table_group TG04c_InternalMigrationTables //EN Internal Migration
// Immigration
table Person TabNumberImmigrants //EN Immigrants
sex+ *
entrances(is_resident, TRUE) //EN Immigrants
* sim_year
* district_immi+
table Person TabImmigrationSexProvinceAge //EN Immigration by sex, district and age group
sel_years *
sex + *
unit //EN Immigrants
* split(integer_age, AGE5_PART) + //EN Age group
* district_nat +
// Emigration
table Person TabEmigrationRatesNumberAge //EN Emigration rates and numbers by age group
sex + *
district_nat + *
transitions(has_emigrated, FALSE, TRUE) / duration(), //EN Emigration rates decimals=4
transitions(has_emigrated, FALSE, TRUE) //EN Emigrants
* split(integer_age, AGE5_PART) + //EN Age group
* sim_year
table Person TabNumberEmigrants //EN Emigrants
sex+ *
entrances(has_emigrated, TRUE) //EN Number Emigrants
* sim_year
* district_nat+
// Internal Migration
table Person TabInternalMigrationRate //EN Internal out migration rate
[ in_projected_time && is_resident ]
sex + *
number_migrations / duration() //EN Migration rate decimals=4
* split(integer_age, AGE5_PART) //EN Age group
* district_nat +
5.18.6. The TablesPrimaryEducation.mpp Module¶
This module contains a set of tables related to primary school attainment, grade progression and school planning.
// States only used in tables
actor Person
SIM_YEAR_RANGE tab_sim_yob = COERCE(SIM_YEAR_RANGE,year_of_birth); //EN Year of birth
logical is_child = (integer_age < 15); //EN Child < 15
logical is_old = (integer_age >= 60); //EN Person 60+
//EN Person 15-59 never enterd primary
logical is_aded0 = (!is_child && !is_old && educ_one_fate == EOL_LOW);
//EN Person 15-59 uncompleted primary
logical is_aded1 = (!is_child && !is_old && educ_one_fate == EOL_MEDIUM);
//EN Person 15-59 primary graduate
logical is_aded2 = (!is_child && !is_old && educ_one_fate == EOL_HIGH);
logical has_passed_primary = (educ_one_grade_passed == MAX(EDUC_ONE_GRADE));
//EN Not attending primary school
logical tab_out_of_primary = (educ_one_status != EOS_WAIT && educ_one_status != EOS_ATTEND
&& !has_passed_primary);
// Tables
table_group TG05_PrimaryEducation //EN Primary Education
table Person PopPyramidByEduc //EN Population pyramids by education and district
[in_sel_years && is_resident]
sel_years *
sex + *
district_nat + *
split(integer_age, AGE5_PART) * //EN Age group
duration(tab_primary_level,EOL_LOW), //EN Never entered primary school
duration(tab_primary_level,EOL_MEDIUM), //EN Primary school non-completer
duration(tab_primary_level,EOL_HIGH) //EN Primary school graduate
table Person TabEducFateByGroup //EN Primary education fate by parents education
[in_projected_time && trigger_changes(calendar_year) && integer_age == 0 && person_type == PT_CHILD]
educ1_group + *
* tab_sim_yob
* educ_one_fate +
table Person TabPrimarySchoolPlanning //EN Students by grade, required teachers and classrooms
[in_projected_time && trigger_changes(calendar_year) && is_educ_one_student && is_resident]
district_nat + *
unit, //EN Students
value_out(educ_one_required_teachers), //EN Number of teachers required
value_out(educ_one_required_rooms) //EN Number of classrooms
* sim_year
* educ_one_grade +
table Person TabPopProvAgeEducSex //EN Population by district, age group, sex and education
[in_projected_time && is_resident]
district_nat + *
sex + *
duration(is_child,TRUE), //EN Children < 15
duration(is_aded0, TRUE), //EN Persons 15-59 never entered primary school
duration(is_aded1, TRUE), //EN Persons 15-59 primary school non-completer
duration(is_aded2, TRUE), //EN Persons 15-59 primary school graduate
duration(is_old,TRUE) //EN Persons 60+
* sim_year //EN Calendar Year
table Person TabEducFateDistrYob //EN Primary education fate by district of birth
[trigger_changes(calendar_year) && integer_age == 0 && is_resident]
district_birth + *
* year_of_birth
* educ_one_fate +
table Person TabEduc15ByDistrict //EN Education composition of 15 year old by district of residence
[integer_age == 15 && in_projected_time && is_resident]
district_nat + *
sex + *
duration(educ_one_fate,EOL_LOW) / duration(), //EN Never entered primary school decimals=4
duration(educ_one_fate,EOL_MEDIUM) / duration(), //EN Primary school non-completer decimals=4
duration(educ_one_fate,EOL_HIGH) / duration() //EN Primary school graduate decimals=4
* sim_year
table Person TabEduc15ByDistrictBirth //EN Education composition of 15 year old by district of birth
[integer_age == 15 && in_projected_time && is_resident]
district_birth + *
sex + *
duration(educ_one_fate,EOL_LOW) / duration(), //EN Never entered primary school decimals=4
duration(educ_one_fate,EOL_MEDIUM) / duration(), //EN Primary school non-completer decimals=4
duration(educ_one_fate,EOL_HIGH) / duration() //EN Primary school graduate decimals=4
* sim_year
table Person TabPrimSchoolEntries //EN Primary school new entries by District
[in_projected_time && is_resident]
entrances(educ_one_grade_attended,1) //EN School entries
* sim_year
* district_nat +
table Person TabPrimSchoolGraduations //EN Primary school graduations by District
[in_projected_time && is_resident]
entrances(has_passed_primary,TRUE) //EN School Graduates
* sim_year
* district_nat +
table Person TabPrimSchoolOutOfSchool9to11 //EN Out of school children age 9-11
[in_projected_time && is_resident && integer_age >= 9 && integer_age <= 11]
duration(tab_out_of_primary,TRUE)/duration() //EN Out of school decimals=4
* sim_year
* district_nat +
5.18.7. The TablesSecondaryEducation.mpp Module¶
This module adds a set of tables related to secondary education.
// Tables
table_group TG08_Secondary //EN Secondary education
table Person School2TrackTab //EN Secondary School Enrolment
[trigger_changes(calendar_year) && in_projected_time && is_resident && educ_two_status == ETS_ATTEND]
unit //EN Students
* sim_year
* educ_two_grade_attended +
5.18.8. The TablesUnion.mpp Module¶
This module contains a set of output tables related to first marriage.
// Tables
table_group TG_05_UnionTables //EN First union formation
table Person TabUnionFormation //EN First union formation by education and age
[WITHIN(AGE_UNION, integer_age) && sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && is_resident ]
//EN Proportion of women who ever entered a union decimals=4
duration(in_union,TRUE) / duration()
* educ_one_fate +
* age_union
* sim_year
table Person TabAgeAtFirstUnionFormation //EN Age at first union formation
[sex == FEMALE && in_projected_time && is_resident]
//EN Average age at first union formation decimals=2
value_at_transitions(in_union, FALSE, TRUE,age) / transitions(in_union, FALSE, TRUE)
* educ_one_fate +
* sim_year
table Person TabUnionFormationByAge //EN First union formations by age group (females)
[in_projected_time && is_resident && sex == FEMALE]
transitions(in_union, FALSE, TRUE) //EN Number Marriages
* sim_year //EN Calendar Year
* split(integer_age,AGE_15_17_19) + //EN Age group
5.18.9. The Tracking.mpp Module¶
This module contains a list of states to be tracked over the life-course for visual output using the BioBrowser tool. Tracking is primarily used for testing and validation purposes. The module is optional and can be removed
// Actor state track_me for creating a sample of persons to be tracked
actor Person
logical track_me = (RandUniform(33)<0.01) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Tracking list
track Person
5.18.10. New dimensions in _CountryContext.mpp¶
// Table Output Time Points
classification TAB_SEL_YEARS //EN Selected Years
TSY_2000, //EN 2001
TSY_2010, //EN 2011
TSY_2020, //EN 2021
TSY_2030, //EN 2031
TSY_2040, //EN 2041
TSY_2050, //EN 2051
TSY_2060 //EN 2061
classification TAB_CENSUS_YEAR //EN Census Year
TCY_2000, //EN Census 2001
TCY_2010 //EN Census 2011
actor Person
//EN In Census Year
logical in_census_year = calendar_year == 2000 || calendar_year == 2010;
//EN Census Year
TAB_CENSUS_YEAR census_year = (calendar_year == 2010) ? TCY_2010 : TCY_2000;
//EN In selected year
logical in_sel_years = calendar_year == 2000 || calendar_year == 2010
|| calendar_year == 2020 || calendar_year == 2030 || calendar_year == 2040
|| calendar_year == 2050 || calendar_year == 2060;
//EN Year
TAB_SEL_YEARS sel_years = (calendar_year == 2001) ? TSY_2000 :
(calendar_year == 2011) ? TSY_2010 :
(calendar_year == 2021) ? TSY_2020 :
(calendar_year == 2031) ? TSY_2030 :
(calendar_year == 2041) ? TSY_2040 :
(calendar_year == 2051) ? TSY_2050 : TSY_2060;