# Script 4: Births by Mothers Who Never Entered School > This script maps the proportion of children born by mothers who never attended school. District maps are produced for four points in time contrasting two scenarios. ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} #################################################################################################### # # DYNAMIS-POP Output Analysis File 5 - Births By Mothers who Never entered school # Original Script: Olivier Dupriez 2018-07-07 # Last Update: Martin Spielauer 2018-08-28 # #################################################################################################### rm(list=ls()) library(sf) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(gdalUtils) library(tmap) library(readxl) load(file="globals_for_output_analysis.RData") #################################################################################################### # MAPS: Base Scenario #################################################################################################### f <- TabBirthsByMothersNeverSchool_base f <- f %>% gather(district, nb_entries, district_labels[1]:All) f$nb_entries <- f$nb_entries f <- f %>% spread(Year, nb_entries) %>% filter(district!='All') mapdata <- f_shape %>% left_join(f, by = c("DISTRICT" = "district")) bks <- c(0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1) tmap_mode("plot") tmarr <- "tmap_arrange(" for (y in f_4years) { my <- paste0("m", y) t <- paste0("Births Mothers No School, ", y) m <- tm_shape(mapdata) + tm_polygons(y, breaks=bks) + tm_text("DISTRICT", size=0.4) + tm_credits(credit, position = p_cred) + tm_layout(bg.color=bgc, main.title = t, title.size=titl_sz) assign(my, m) tmarr <- paste0(tmarr, "m", y, ", ") } tmarr <- paste0(tmarr, ")") tmarr <- gsub(", )", ")", tmarr) map <- eval(parse(text=tmarr)) map if (savemap == "Y") { fn <- paste0(sav_loc, "BirthsMothersNeverSchool_base.", sav_fmt) tmap_save(map, fn) } ``` **Sample output** ![](Figures/BirthsMothersNeverSchool_base.jpg) ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} #################################################################################################### # MAPS: Alternative Scenario #################################################################################################### f <- TabBirthsByMothersNeverSchool_alt f <- f %>% gather(district, nb_entries, district_labels[1]:All) f$nb_entries <- f$nb_entries f <- f %>% spread(Year, nb_entries) %>% filter(district!='All') mapdata <- f_shape %>% left_join(f, by = c("DISTRICT" = "district")) bks <- c(0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1) tmap_mode("plot") tmarr <- "tmap_arrange(" for (y in f_4years) { my <- paste0("m", y) t <- paste0("Births Mothers No School, ", y) m <- tm_shape(mapdata) + tm_polygons(y, breaks=bks) + tm_text("DISTRICT", size=0.4) + tm_credits(credit, position = p_cred) + tm_layout(bg.color=bgc, main.title = t, title.size=titl_sz) assign(my, m) tmarr <- paste0(tmarr, "m", y, ", ") } tmarr <- paste0(tmarr, ")") tmarr <- gsub(", )", ")", tmarr) map <- eval(parse(text=tmarr)) map if (savemap == "Y") { fn <- paste0(sav_loc, "BirthsMothersNeverSchool_alt.", sav_fmt) tmap_save(map, fn) } ``` **Sample output** ![](Figures/BirthsMothersNeverSchool_alt.jpg)